The Churches of Britain and Ireland


Placename Index, U

<Ug> <Ul> <Un> <Up> <Ur> <Us> <Ut> <Ux>

Ubley, Somerset, St. Bartholomew. Another view. Link. Grade I listed. Methodist Chapel, on The Street. Link. Grade II listed. All © Janet Gimber (2016).

Uffculme, Devon, St. Mary the Virgin. ST 0686 1271. © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. Grade II* listed. The churchyard gates are listed as grade II. Crossways Chapel (U.R.C.) on Commercial Road pre-dates a map of 1888. Immediately across the road stands the former Sunday School, dated 1891 (date-stone) ST 0628 1251. All © Chris Kippin (2022). A Baptist Church stands on Chapel Hill at ST 0673 1281. Its grade II listing dates it to 1809, with enlargement in 1884. © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. Spiceland Meeting House (Quaker) stands about a mile and a quarter north-east of the village. ST 0832 1406. © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. Grade II* listed.
Uffington, Lincolnshire, St. Michael and All Angels. Interior view. TF 0616 0774. Both © Marion Hall. Two additional views - 1, 2, some more of the interior - 1, 2, 3, 4, a selection of tombs and monuments - 1, 2, 3, and the font, all © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade I listed.
Ufford, Cambridgeshire, St. Andrew, now in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust. Another view, two interiors - 1, 2, the font, a monument and memorials. TF 0934 0404. All © David Regan (2016 and 2019). Link. Grade I listed.
Ufford, Lincolnshire, St. Andrew. © Robin Peel.
Ufford, Suffolk, St. Mary of the Assumption. The tower, three interior views - 1, 2, 3, and the font. TM 2985 5218. All © Steve Bulman (2024). The porch, font (with its spectacular cover), and some of the fine wood-carving. All © Christopher Skottowe (1966). Link. Grade I listed. Both links have exterior and interior photos. The former Primitive Methodist Chapel on Yarmouth Road, as seen by Streetview in 2011. Although all available on-line maps label it as Wesleyan (the earliest available is from 1883), this source says it was built as Primitive, and closed in 1987 (as Methodist). One old map labels it as Byng Brook Chapel. TM 2947 5324. Nearby on maps from the first half of the last century can be seen a Mission Room. It's unclear exactly which building is intended, but my guess would be that it was this one, seen by Streetview in 2011 (it had gone by 2016). Otherwise it stood nearby, probably to the right. Circa TM 2853 5331.
Ufton, Warwickshire, dedicated to St. Michael and All Angels. SP 378 622. © Steve Bulman. Another view, and an interior view, both © Aidan McRae Thomson. The following are all © John Bowdler (2011) - two further views - 1, 2, the porch, priest's door, a blocked window, three interior views - 1, 2, 3, 4, the font, lectern, pulpit, organ, and two windows - 1, 2. There's even an ancient set of stocks in the churchyard! John advises that the church is at risk of closure, which would be a real shame, as it looks to be a fine church.
Ufton Nervet, Berkshire, St. Peter. It's now redundant. SU 6347 6752. From an old postcard (franked 1905) in Judy Flynn's collection. Grade II listed.

Ugborough, Devon, St. Peter. Another view, the interior, the two fonts - 1, 2, painted screen, wooden sedilia, and pulpit. SX 6775 5572. All © Chris Kippin (2023). Link. Grade I listed. A converted Chapel (2023 Streetview) stands on Lutterburn Street at SX 6781 5587. Marked as Independent on older O.S. maps, it's mentioned here as Congregational, where it says it was converted in the 1980's.
Ugglebarnby, North Yorkshire, All Saints. © Colin Waters Collection (2010). Link.
Ugthorpe, North Yorkshire, Christ Church. The interior, altar and font. Link. St. Anne (R.C.). Link. Grade II listed. All © David Regan (2016).

Ulcat Row, Cumbria, the former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. It pre-dates a map of 1864, and was still active at least to 1940. This source dates it to the 1830's. Another view. NY 4045 2253. Both © Alan Marsden (2022).
Ulceby, (near Immingham), Lincolnshire,
St. Nicholas. Two additional views - 1, 2, two of the interior - 1, 2, and the font. TA 1034 1461. All © David Regan (2012 and 2021). Link. Grade I listed. A cross in the churchyard is listed separately as grade II. The former Seventh-day Adventist Church on Spruce Lane has a date-stone for 1888. TA 1096 1485. © David Regan (2021). The former Primitive Methodist Chapel stands on High Street. Its My Primitive Methodists entry dates it to 1889, a replacement for an earlier chapel of 1837. It doesn't say if it was on the same site, but luckily a map of 1887 is available, which shows a P.M. chapel on Northfield Road (now Abbey Road) at TA 1055 1486. Later maps show it as a Sunday School. I think this building now stands on the site (a Streetview from 2009). TA 1050 1478. © David Regan (2021). The village also had a Methodist Chapel on Front Street, dated here to 1908-2011. Originally Wesleyan, it was preceded on the same site by a chapel of 1816. This was in turn preceded by an un-located chapel of 1791. TL 1093 1462. © David Regan (2021).
Ulceby (near Skegness), Lincolnshire, All Saints (1826). © David Regan (2016). Link. Grade II listed.
Ulceby Skitter, Lincolnshire, the former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. It's dated here to 1898-1982. TA 1232 1506. © David Regan (2021). There was also a Mission Room, at TA 1223 1491. It pre-dates a map of 1887. Satellite photos suggest it may have survived, but it's not viewable on Streetview. 
Ulcombe, Kent, All Saints. TQ 846 497. © Dave Westrap. Link1. Link2.
Uldale, Cumbria,
St. James, which sits about 3/4 of a mile distant from the village. A church is attested from the early C13, but the present building is of a re-build of 1730, apparently incorporating some earlier fabric. Another view, two interiors - 1, 2, and the font. NY 2401 3793. Link1. Link2. Grade II listed. St. John the Evangelist was built in 1869. Never sitting well in the landscape, structural problems prompted its demolition in 1963. The site is now occupied by a playground. Another view - could the wall and ironwork have belonged to the church? This link has a comprehensive history of both churches, and includes the only photo I've seen of St. John. NY 2511 3700. All © Steve Bulman (2016). There's a building called Chapel House a bit less than a mile S.W. of the village at NY 2590 3603. I haven't been able to establish if there is or was a chapel associated with it.
Uley, Gloucestershire, St. Giles. ST 79125 98572. © John Turbott. Three further views - 1, 2, 3, two interiors - 1, 2, and the pulpit. The present church dates from the mid-19th century, and replaced a much older building, an illustration of which is on display in the church. All © Carole Sage (2016). Link1. Link2. Grade II* listed. The former Bethesda Baptist Chapel (1821) on South Street is now in use as an Arts Centre. Another view. ST 79019 98367. Both © Carole Sage (2016). Grade II listed. The former Union Chapel (1790) on Whitecourt, also sometimes known as Whitecourt Chapel, was Independent and later Congregational. Closed in 1972, it was used as an antiques centre for some years before conversion into a private residence in the 1990's. Another view. ST 78448 98122. Both © Carole Sage (2016). Grade II listed - note that this states that it was a Methodist Chapel - this seems to be erroneous. Carole advises that there are on-line references to a Wesleyan Chapel in Uley, but our searches of various old maps have failed to find it, and others have evidently been along this road before - see here. Howard Richter has been investigating this, and has located a building marked as "Chapel" just a few yards east of the Baptist Chapel on the 25" O.S. map of 1882-3, see here. The grid reference is circa ST 7908 9835. Also marked as Chapel on the 6" map of 1889-90, it is not marked on the 1902 25" map, so presumably had gone out of use by them. A plot of waste land with old railings can be seen on Streetview here. Although not definitive proof that this was the Wesleyan Chapel, this has to be a very good candidate.
Ulgham, Northumberland, St. John the Baptist. NZ 234 924. © Bill Henderson (2012). Link. Grade II listed - link.
Ullapool, Highland, Church of Scotland, which stands at the corner of Mill Street and Market Street. NH 1303 9425. © Bill Henderson. Grade C listing, which says that this was originally a Free Church. Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, on Market Street. NH 1281 9416. © Tim Flitcroft (2012). Lochbroom Free Church, on Quay Street. NH 1274 9413. © Tim Flitcroft (2017). Link. The former Church of Scotland (1829-1935) on West Argyll Street now serves as the town museum. NH 1270 9400. © Tim Flitcroft (2017). Link. Grade A listed. Scottish Episcopal Church on Market Street. NH 1296 9420. © Tim Flitcroft (2017). Link. The local Catholic Church - St. Martin of Tours - stands on Mill Street. NH 1308 9413. It can be seen on Streetview here, and is, according to this website, a fairly recent (1988) conversion from a bakery. Link.
Ullenhall, Warwickshire, St. Mary the Virgin (1875). © Aidan McRae Thomson. An old postcard view, from Reg Dosell's Collection. Three further views - 1, 2, 3, and the unusual mosaic clock, all © John Bowdler (2011). Grade II listed - link. St. Mary Old Church (the chancel of the medieval church). Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Three further views - 1, 2, 3, the bell, sun-dial, interior view, and a plaque commemorating the consecration of the churchyard, all © John Bowdler (2011). Grade II* listed - link.
Ullermire, Cumbria, the former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Dated here to 1833, it was sold in the earliest years of the last century. It was seen by Streetview in 2021. NY 4650 6682.
Ulley, South Yorkshire, Holy Trinity.
Another view, two of the interior - 1, 2, and the font. SK 4654 8758. All © David Regan (2021). Link.
Ullingswick, Herefordshire, St. Luke. © Mark Turbott.
Ulleskelf, North Yorkshire, St. Saviour. Methodist Church (originally Wesleyan, 1813). Both © Bill Henderson. Another view of St. Saviour, and the Methodist Church, both © James Murray. James advises that the St. Saviour's board advertises itself as St. Saviour's Chapel and Village Hall. He was also told by a local resident that they go to church at Church Fenton (of which St. Saviour was a daughter church), so it seems that St. Saviour is no longer used for worship.
Ullock, CUmbria, the former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, as seen by the Streetview van in 2009. This source dates it to 1870. It now serves as the village hall. NY 0759 2395.
Ulpha, Cumbria,
St. John the Baptist. SD 1980 9325. © Bruce Gordon. Another view, two interiors - 1, 2, the font, and fragments of wall-paintings - 1, 2, all © Steve Bulman (2014). Link. Grade II* listed. A sun-dial in the churchyard is separately listed as grade II. About 3/4 of a mile N.N.E. sits a former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (1842), at SD 2044 9422. © Alan Marsden (2020).
Ulrome, East Riding of Yorkshire, St. Andrew. © James Murray. Another view. © Victor Hunter. Methodist Church, built as Wesleyan in 1905. Another view. TA 165 568. According to this link, it replaced an earlier building of 1848, a small brick building on the south side of the road, and which can be seen here (drop the little man onto the red cross). Both © Howard Richter (2013).
Ulshaw Bridge, North Yorkshire, St. Simon & St. Jude (R.C.). © Bill Henderson.
Ulverston, Cumbria.

Umberleigh, Devon, The Church of The Good Shepherd. It was a chapel-of-ease built in 1874 for railway workers. Another view. SS 6105 2397. © Martin Richter (2015). Another view, © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. Grade II listed. Umberleigh Christian Fellowship on the A377. © Chris Kippin (2022). SS 6074 2367. Link.
Underbarrow, Cumbria, All Saints (1869). Known to have had two predecessors on the same site, and an even earlier one (mentioned here) on a so far unidentified site. Interior view (taken through a glass door). SD 4632 9263. Both © Kevin Price (2020). Grade II listed.
Underriver, Kent, St. Margaret. TQ 556 519. © Dave Westrap. Link1. Link2.
Underwood, Newport, Baptist Free Church. © Gerard Charmley (2010).
Underwood, Nottinghamshire, St. Michael and All the Angels. Its grade II listing dates it to 1890. SK 4736 5078. © Bill Henderson. Another view,
© David Regan (2020). The 1901 6" O.S. map labels a Christians' Meeting Ho. on Palmerston Street at SK 4690 5075. It can be seen here on a 2008 Streetview, which also shows a date-stone for 1873.
Undy, Monmouthshire, St. Mary the Virgin. © Margaret Woodley. Link.
Unst (island), Shetland.
Unstone, Derbyshire, St. Mary (1920) on Crow Lane. SK 3766 7745. © Les Needham (2017). Another view,
© David Regan (2020). Link. The former Methodist Church, also on Crow Lane, was built as Wesleyan in 1847. SK 3773 7743. © David Regan (2020). Link.
Unsworth, Whitefield, Greater Manchester - see Whitefield.

Up Marden, West Sussex, St. Michael & All Angels. SU 795 142. © Kevin Gordon. Link.
Up Somborne, Hampshire, the former Primitive Methodist Chapel - later United Methodist, on Strawberry Lane. It pre-dates a map of 1896, though it has a date-stone for 1902, and, curiously, it also says United Methodist, which didn't exist until 1907. Was the chapel a 1902 re-build, with the date-stone added or altered in 1907? SU 3963 3250. © Chris Kippin (2022). Mid 20th century maps show St. Stephen's Church, a little way south of the chapel, at SU 3967 3246. The slight glimpse to be had on a 2008 Streetview suggests that it has been demolished and housing built on the site. I've not been able to discover anything about it, or find a photo.
Upavon, Wiltshire, St. Mary. Another view. SU 1355 5504. Link. Grade I listed. Several monuments in the churchyard are listed separately - these can be found here. Baptist Chapel (Cave of Adullam). SU 1334 5505. Link. Grade II listed. All © Chris Kippin (2020). O.S. maps mark the site of a Benedictine Priory at SU 1360 5515. Nothing remains above ground. It stood somewhere in the fields behind the houses seen in this 2011 Streetview. Link.
Upchurch, Kent, St. Mary the Virgin. TQ 843 676. © Geoff Watt.
Uphall, West Lothian, Strathbrock Parish Church (CoS) on Ecclesmachan Road is the former St. Nicholas Kirk. Another view.
Link. Uphall South Parish Church on East Main Street. Link. All © Jim Parker (2016).
Upham, Devon, the Methodist Chapel. Map evidence indicates that it was built before 1905, as Bible Christian. SS 8827 0826. © Chris Kippin (2021).
Upham, Hampshire, Church of the Blessed Mary. SU 538 206. © Chris Kippin. Link. Grade II listed.
Uphill, Somerset, St. Nicholas (ruinous). Another view. ST 316 583. St. Nicholas at ST 319 588 replaced the old church. The foundation stone was laid in 1892. Methodist Church (founded as Wesleyan in 1841). ST 320 588. All © Andrew Ross. This old postcard shows the old church. From Geoff Watt's Collection.
Upholland, Lancashire, St. Thomas the Martyr. Another view. The tower. Neil advises that according to local legend, the last British highwayman is buried here. All © Neil and Lewis Bulman. Mick Finney has been in touch to advise that the highwayman was just a local burglar - this website tells the story. Interior view. © Mike Berrell (2010). Link. St. Teresa (R.C.) on College Road. SD 518 060. © Peter Morgan. Another view. © Mike Berrell (2010). Methodist Church. © Peter Morgan. Its predecessor, the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel on School Lane, still stands and is currently being renovated. An inscribed stone reads "Wesleyan Methodist Chapel & School 1849". © Mick Finney.
Uplands, Swansea (City), Swansea - see Swansea.
Upleadon, Gloucestershire, St. Mary. The church stands about a mile east of the village, at Upleadon Court. SO 7689 2696. © Peter Wood. Another view, and an interior, both © Crispin Pemberton (2011). Doorway with tympanum, © Karel Kuča (2007). Link. Grade I listed. For the listed monuments in the churchyard, see here. Old O.S. maps show that the village had a Mission Church and a Methodist Chapel, neither of which has survived. Both pre-date a map of 1903, and both survived into the second half of the last century. The Mission Church stood on Gloucester Road at SO 7539 2675. The bungalow on its site was seen by Streetview in 2011. The Methodist, originally Wesleyan, on Forge Lane, is dated here (quoting from an old directory) to 1886. It stood to the left of the driveway seen here in a 2009 Streetview. SO 7523 2704.
Upleatham Chapel, North Yorkshire, reputedly the smallest chapel in the UK (but see the recently built Nappa Scar, NYorks.). Another view. The former New Church. All © Bill McKenzie.
Uplowman, Devon, St. Peter. Another view and the interior. ST 0134 1550. All © Chris Kippin (2023). Link. Grade II* listed. For listed tombs in the churchyard, see here.
Uplyme, Devon, St. Peter & St. Paul on Pound Lane. A 14th century church restored in 1867. Interior view. SY 324 935. Both © Richard Roberts (2016). Link. Grade II* listed.
Upnor, Kent, St. Philip & St. James. TQ 757 709. © Dave Westrap. Link1. Link2. Link3.
Upottery, Devon, St. Mary the Virgin.
ST 2020 0755. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. Two modern views - 1, 2, and the interior, all © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. Grade II* listed. Numerous tombs etc. in the churchyard are listed separately, for which see here.
Upper Arley, Worcestershire, , St. Peter. Two additional views - 1, 2, three interiors - 1, 2, 3, the altar and font. SO 764 804. All © Dennis Harper (2013). Link. Grade II* listed.
Upper Basildon, Berkshire, St. Stephen. Judy says that this may have been a temporary building before the present one was built, in 1965, implying that it no longer exists. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's collection. The present St. Stephen was seen by Streetview in 2009. SU 6011 7597. Link has some interior views. An Independent Chapel shows on older maps off Darby Lane, at SU 5977 7624. Demolished, it stood at right angles to the left of the white house, seen by Streetview in 2014.
Upper Boddington, Northamptonshire - see Boddington, Northamptonshire.
Upper Brailes, Warwickshire, the former Methodist Chapel, which was for sale in 2011. Two further views - 1, 2. All © John Bowdler.
Upper Broughton, Nottinghamshire, St. Luke. Another view. Both © David Regan (2011). Link1. Link2. Grade I listed - link.
Upper Broughton, Shropshire, Green Methodist Church, built as Primitive Methodist, is dated here to 1862. It sits in an isolated position on the B4385 to the north-west of Bishop's Castle. SO 3029 9102. © Chris Kippin (2021). Link1. Link2.
Upper Caldecote, Bedfordshire, All Saints. TL 1668 4589. © Les Needham (2010). Another view, a window, four of the interior - 1, 2, 3, 4, and the font, all © Chris Stafford (2013). Link. Grade II listed. The Methodist Church stands a little way east of All Saints on Biggleswade Road. TL 1682 4591. © Les Needham (2010). Link. What is perhaps its predecessor - Wesleyan Methodist - was seen by Streetview in 2020. It pre-dates a map of 1883-4. TL 1655 4554.
Upper Chapel, Powys, Ebenezer Chapel. SN 998 417. © Simon Atkin. Capel Dyffryn Honddu at SO 0072 4058. © Paul Wood (2016). Coflein entry.
Upper Clatford, Hampshire, All Saints. SU 357 435.
© Chris Kippin. Link. Grade II* listed. The former Primitive Methodist Chapel, now converted to residential use. The My Primitive Methodists entry for this chapel gives a building date of 1903, and a closure date of between 1992 and 2011. SU 3546 4368. © Chris Kippin (2020).
Upper Colwall, Herefordshire, Church of the Good Shepherd. A 2016 Streetview suggests that it is now in residential use. SO 7665 4337. © Peter Morgan. Another view, © Paul Wood (2003).
Upper Cumberworth, West Yorkshire, St. Nicholas on Cumberworth Lane. Another view. Its grade II listing dates it to 1876. SE 2112 0883. Both © Ben Palmer (2008). Another view,
© David Regan (2021). Link. Salem Wesleyan Reform Chapel on Barnsley Road, dated here to 1879, is now in residential use. SE 2093 0872. © David Regan (2021).
Upper Dean, Bedfordshire, All Hallows (or All Saints, according to source consulted). Interior view. TL 0468 6764. Both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. A modern view, © David Regan (2017). Link1. Link2 (numerous photos, inside and out). Grade I listed. The U.R.C. on High Street was built as Congregational in 1863. TL 0484 6794. © Bedfordshire and Luton Archives & Records Service (2011). Link. Grade II listed.
Upper Denton, Cumbria. Built from Roman stone, and includes a re-used Roman arch. NY 6156 6552. © Steve Bulman. Link. Grade II* listed.
Upper Denby, West Yorkshire, St. John the Evangelist. SE 2263 0716. © Bill Henderson. Link. Grade II listed. The former Wesleyan Reform Chapel of 1911(from a date-stone) on Denby Lane. It's closure is dated here to 1911-1930. SE 2285 0731.
© David Regan (2021).
Upper Dicker, East Sussex, Holy Trinity. TQ 553 099. From a postcard in the Kevin Gordon Collection. Compare with this modern view (and another) - note that the triangular hat on the bell cote has gone. © Steve Bulman (2009).
Upper Elkstone, Staffordshire, St. John the Baptist. Interior view. Despite appearances, this is CoE, not non-conformist. Both © James Murray.
Upper Farringdon, Hampshire, All Saints. The interior and the font. SU 7123 3545. All © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. Grade II* listed. For listed churchyard features, see here.
Upper Framilode, Gloucestershire, St. Peter (1854). SO 750 104. © Chris Kippin (2019). Link.
Upper Froyle, Hampshire, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. SU 755 428.
© Chris Kippin. Link. Grade II* listed.
Upper Gornal, Dudley, West Midlands - see Dudley.
Upper Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire, St. Giles. TL 1130 3599. © Bill McKenzie. Link. Grade II* listed. A Methodist Church stands on High Street, marked on older maps as Wesleyan. It pre-dates a map of 1901, and was seen by Streetview in 2010. TL 1143 3603. Link.
Upper Hardres, Kent, St. Peter and St. Paul. TR 153 507. © Geoff Watt. Link.
Upper Hayton, Shropshire, the derelict Primitive Methodist Chapel. This source dates it to 1877, with closure on or before 1980, and says it had a predecessor of 1838. SO 5179 8095. © Chris Kippin (2021).
Upper Helmsley, North Yorkshire, St. Peter. © James Murray.
Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, dedicated to St. Mary. © Steve Bulman. SP 495 259.
Upper Hill, Herefordshire, the former Primitive Methodist Chapel (1894). SO 4708 5302. © Paul Wood (2001). According to the My Primitive Methodists entry, it was closed at some point between 1976 and 1984.
Upper Hopton, West Yorkshire, St. John the Evangelist (1846). SE 2021 1970. © Steven Hill. Link. Grade II listed, wherein it's dated to 1846. The former Primitive Methodist Chapel on Jackroyd Lane, at SE 1931 1880. This source dates it to 1866.
© David Regan (2023).
Upper Hulme, Staffordshire, the former Methodist Chapel. © Gervase N. E. Charmley (2011).
Upper Landywood, Staffordshire, Methodist Chapel on Streets Lane. SJ 982 057. © Chris Emms (2009).
Upper Langwith, Derbyshire, Church of the Holy Cross. Another view. Both © David Regan (2011). Link. Grade II* listed - link.
Upper Largo, Fife.
Upper Netchwood, Shropshire, the former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. It stands in a remote position south-west of Monkhopton. The Shropshire's Nonconformist Chapels entry dates it to 1861, with closure in the 1940's or 1950's. Another view, and the date-stone. SO 6084 9225. All © Chris Kippin (2021).
Upper Norwood, Greater London - see Crystal Palace.
Upper Poppleton, North Yorkshire, All Saints. © Bill Henderson. Methodist Church. Another view. Originally Wesleyan, it was built prior to the publication of the 1892-1893 map on which it shows. SE 556 541. Both © Martin Richter (2011). Link. Replacement site under construction.
Upper Sapey, Herefordshire, St. Michael and All Angels. SO 6828 6362. © Les Needham (2011). Two more views - 1, 2, and three of the interior - 1, 2, 3, all © Peter Morgan (2023). Link1. Link2. Grade II* listed.
Upper Seagy, Wiltshire, the former Primitive Methodist Church. ST 945 806. © Chris Kippin (2019).
Upper Sheringham, Norfolk, All Saints. From an old postcard (franked 1907) in Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view. © Chris Emms (2009). Interior view, © Richard Roberts (2014). Link. Grade I listed.
Upper Slaughter, Gloucestershire, St. Peter, which has a nicely-carved font. Both © John Salmon.
Upper Stondon, Bedfordshire, All Saints. Another view. TL 1500 3556. Both © Bill McKenzie. Link. Grade II listed.
Upper Stowe, Northamptonshire, St. James, originally built as a chapel-of-ease to St. Michael at Church Stowe. Two additional views - 1, 2, the interior, and East window. SP 6435 5670. All © Howard Richter (2014). Link. Grade II listed.
Upper Stratton, Swindon, Wiltshire - see Swindon.
Upper Swainswick, Somerset, St. Mary. The interior. It has a fine Norman south doorway. ST 7565 6842. All © Chris Kippin (2024). Link. Grade II* listed. In the churchyard are several listed monuments. Their listing entries can be seen here.
Upper Tean, Staffordshire, Christ Church. SK 013 395. St. Thomas (R.C.) on St. Thomas's Road. SK 011 397. Gorsty Hill United Church (Methodist and U.R.C.). Interior view. SK 010 399. The former Providence Methodist Chapel on New Road. SK 010 397. All © Mike Berrell. Another view of the Providence Chapel (1822), now a private residence. © Chris Emms (2009).
Upper Wield, Hampshire, - see Wield, Hampshire.
Upper Winchendon (or Over Winchendon), Buckinghamshire, St. Mary Magdalen
e. SP 7460 1449. © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade I listed.
Upper Wyche, Herefordshire, Wyche Free Church. Early maps label this as a Mission Church. SO 7680 4345. © Peter Morgan.
Upperby, see Carlisle.
Uppermill, Greater Manchester, St Chad, on Church Lane. SE 007 064. © Paul Brown. Three interior views - 1, 2, 3, all © Mike Berrell (2011). Link. Methodist Church. SD 998 058. Ebenezer Congregational Church. SD 997 055. Catholic Church of Sacred Heart and St. William. SD 996 056. All © Philip Kapp. Saddleworth National Spiritualist Church on High Street. SD 997 061. © Mike Berrell (2010).
Upperthong, West Yorkshire, St. John the Evangelist. Here lies Bill Owen, "Compo" of Last of the Summer Wine. Link1. Link2. The former Congregational Church, now in residential use. All © David Regan (2012).
Uppertown, Highland (Island of Stroma), cemetery with burial vault. ND 359 765. © Martin Briscoe.
Uppingham, Rutland, St. Peter and St. Paul. SP 8666 9961. From an old postcard in Kevin Gordon's Collection. A modern view, interior view, and the font, all © Dennis Harper (2011). The chancel, ceiling with angels, and the two carved Norman figures flanking the doorway - 1, 2, all © Steve Bulman (2024). Link. Grade II* listed. A churchyard monument is listed as grade II. The Methodist Church on Orange Street is dated 1812, as Wesleyan. SP 8660 9977. © David Regan (2019). Link. Uppingham School Chapel off High Street West, from an old postcard in Kevin Gordon's Collection. A modern view, showing the 1965 extension to the original 1865 chapel. SP 8650 9962. © Richard Roberts (2016). Grade II* listed. The former Bethesda Chapel (Strict Baptist) on Orange Street is dated 1845. SP 8662 9971. © Steve Bulman (2024). Link. The former Ebenezer Congregational Chapel on Adderley Street, as seen by Streetview in 2022. It's dated here to 1814. SP 8693 9965. Grade II listed.
Uppington, Shropshire, Holy Trinity. Another view. SJ 597 094. Both © Dennis Harper (2013). Grade II* listed.
Upsettlington, Borders, the site of the vanished Convent Chapel (somewhere in the field). O.S. maps mark the site of a chapel at NT 8872 4684.
Pevsner mentions (in the Ladykirk entry) that the predecessor of Ladykirk had been a chapel at Easter Upsettlington, since at least as far back as the 13th century. Link.
Upton (near Huntington), Cambridgeshire, St. Margaret. Another view, and an interior (taken through a window) showing the Norman font. TL 1745 7850. All © Chris Stafford (2012). Link. Grade II* listed. The base of a cross in the churchyard is separately listed, as grade II.
Upton (near Peterborough), Cambridgeshire, St. John the Baptist. Another view. TF 1102 0057. Both © David Regan (2016). Link. Grade I listed.
Upton, Lincolnshire, All Saints. Another view. Both © David Regan (2012). Two interior views - 1, 2, and the font, all © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II* listed. Methodist Chapel. © David Regan (2012). Link.
Upton, Merseyside, St. Mary. © Frank Joinson.
Upton, Norfolk, St. Margaret. © Geoff Watt. Link.
Upton, Northamptonshire, St. Michael, which is in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust. Two additional views - 1, 2. All © David Regan (2017). Link1. Grade I listed.
Upton by Southwell, Nottinghamshire, St. Peter and St. Paul. Another view, two interior views - 1, 2, and the font. All © David Regan (2011). Link. Grade I listed - link.
Upton Bishop, Herefordshire, St. John the Baptist. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. Link. The Baptist Church on Crow Hill was built in 1860. SO 6390 2699. © Paul Wood (2001).
Upton by Chester, Chester, Cheshire - see Chester.
Upton Cheyney, Gloucestershire, U.R.C. Built as Independent in 1834, and later Congregational, the chapel was in danger of closing in 2011, but happily, attendance has increased, and the threat has receded. Interior view. Both © Janet Gimber (2014).
Upton Cressett, Shropshire, the former St. Michael, now in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust. SO 656 925. An additional view, interior view, the fabulous chancel arch, the altar, pulpit, and the splendid font, all © Dennis Harper (2013). Link. Grade II listed.
Upton Cross, Cornwall, St. Paul. SX 279 722. Link. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. SX 283 722. Both © Paul E. Barnett (2018).
Upton Grey, Hampshire, St. Mary. SU 697 484. © Chris Kippin. Link. Grade I listed.
Upton Hellions, Devon, St. Mary the Virgin, and its interior. SS 8422 0330. Both © Chris Kippin (2021). Link. Grade I listed.
Upton Lovell, Wiltshire, St. Augustine of Canterbury. ST 9449 4084. © Chris Kippin (2020). Link. The grade I listing calls it St. Peter.
Upton Magna, Shropshire, St. Lucia (or St. Lucy). Of 11th or 12th century foundation, the present building is largely of the 1850's restoration and re-build. SJ 553 124. © Jeremy Roberts (2019). Link. Grade II* listed.
Upton Noble, Somerset, St. Mary Magdalene. ST 7129 3944. Link. Grade II* listed. The former Methodist Church. It pre-dates a map of 1886, where it's labelled as Wesleyan. It had been seen by Streetview in 2009, affording another view. ST 7131 3936. Both © Chris Kippin (2021).
Upton Park, Greater London, Islamic Centre on Selwyn Road. TQ 405 837. © Mehmood Naqshbandi (1990), and reproduced from his website Muslims in Britain.
Upton Pyne, Devon, Church of Our Lady (Anglican). Another view, and the interior. SX 9102 9771. All © Chris Kippin (2021). Link. Church guide (pdf). Grade I listed. The war memorial in the churchyard is grade II listed.
Upton St. Leonard, Gloucestershire, St. Leonard. © Graeme Harvey (2012). Three additional views - 1, 2, 3, all © Dennis Harper (2014). Link. Grade II* listed.
Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, St. Mary the Virgin. Another view. Both © Janet Gimber (2018). Link. Grade II* listed.
Upton Snodsbury, Worcestershire, St. Kenelm. © Rosemary Groves (2010). Interior view, © Tim Hollinghurst (2011). Link.
Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire.
Upton Warren, Worcestershire, St. Michael. Another view. Both © Peter Morgan (2011). Link. Grade II* listed - link.
Upwaltham, West Sussex, St. Mary. Another view, and an interior view. All © Gervase N. E. Charmley (2012). Link.
Upwell, Norfolk, St. Peter (C), a C13 church on Small Lode, on the site of a Roman house church. TF 505 027. © Richard Roberts (2016). Two additional views - 1, 2. Both © David Regan (2019). Link1. Link2. Link3. Grade I listed. The former Methodist Church on Town Street was built in 1888 as Wesleyan, and is now in commercial use. © David Regan (2019). Link. The former Primitive Methodist Chapel (1868) on New Road. © David Regan (2019). Salvation Hall (1883) is of so far uncertain allegiance, but perhaps is or was Salvation Army. © David Regan (2019).
Upwey, Dorset, St. Laurence, from an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection.
Upwood, Cambridgeshire, St. Peter. Another view. TL 2594 8268. Both © Jim Rushton. Link. Grade I listed. Older O.S. maps show a Wesleyan Methodist Chapel on High Street. The 2009 Streetview offers the best view of it, but it's hampered by vegetation. This source dates it to 1893-1982, whereafter it was converted to residential use. TL 2585 8261. The same source mentions its predecessor of 1840 as having stood opposite what is now the village hall. In a 2023 Streetview the hall is on the left - the chapel will have stood somewhere on the right. Not shown on any available maps, its grid reference will be circa TL 2575 8257. The cemetery to the south of the village has a Mortuary Chapel. None of the available Streetviews is very satisfactory, but here's one from 2009. TL 2572 8226. The source mentioned earlier says that there was at one time a Primitive Methodist Chapel "opposite Townsend Farm", and dates it to circa 1839. No available maps show it, so it must have gone out of use in the 19th century. Streetview reveals no likely surviving candidates.

Urmston, Greater Manchester.
Urney, Co. Donegal, Christ Church (CoI). © Graeme Harvey.
Urquhart, Highland, Ferintosh Free Church of Scotland - built 1843 with the tower added in 1907. An unusual feature for a church - a three-stall cast-iron urinal!! NH 674 647. Link. The former Church of Scotland, built 1795. NH 674 647. Both © John Mackie.
Urray, Highland, Urray West Parish Church. NH 508 524. © Martin Briscoe. Another view, © Bill Henderson (2016). Link. Grade B listed. Free Church of Scotland. NH 524 502. © Bill Henderson (2016). Link.
Urswick, Cumbria, St. Mary and St. Michael. Another view, the font, rood screen, a carving, and a window. SD 2684 7419. All © Martin Richter (2011). The unusual and handsome three-decker pulpit, and an interior view, both © John Balaam (2012). Grade I listed. U.R.C. - a "tin tabernacle". This source says it dates from 1914, as Tarn Close Church of Christ, and U.R.C. from 1981. Another view. SD 2715 7458. Both © Martin Richter (2011).

Ushaw Moor, Co. Durham, St. Luke, which can be seen here on a 2010 Streetview. NZ 2256 4273. Link. The former Methodist Church was originally Primitive Methodist, and is now in residential use. NZ 2293 4258. © Steve Bruce. There was also a Wesleyan Chapel, to the west of the town on Cockhouse Lane, at NZ 2218 4283. The site of the building is among the trees visible here on a 2020 Streetview. The Baptist Church (1897) can be seen on a 2010 Streetview here. NZ 2273 4266. Link. St. Joseph (R.C.) is not visible on Streetview. It opened in 1931, though the congregation dates from 1909 when they met in a tin tabernacle. Exterior and interior photos are available here. NZ 2309 4262. The former Salvation Army hall stands on the east side of Station Road, and the 2010 Streetview is available here. At the time of writing (2020) it was being offered for sale. St. Cuthbert's Chapel at Ushaw College. Three interior views - 1, 2, 3. The interior of St. Joseph's Chapel, and the interior of the Chapel of St. Charles Borromeo, also at Ushaw College. A large site, a grid ref. of NZ 2185 4370 will serve. All © Mike Forbester. Link. The grade I listing should be consulted for further details of this complex site. St. Joseph is also listed separately as grade II.
Usk, Monmouthshire, St. Mary. SO 3789 0081. Fro
m an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view, © Chris Kippin. In the churchyard is the grave of St. David Lewis (Wikipedia entry). Another view. Both © Janet Gimber (2023). Link. Coflein. Grade I listed. For related listed features, see here. Immediately south of the church stand some remains of Usk Priory. Another view. SO 3791 0078. Both © Janet Gimber (2023). Link. The former U.R.C. (1862) on Castle Parade and Twyn Square was previously Congregational, and before that Independent, and is now in use as an art gallery. Another view. Howard Richter has discovered that the date of closure was before 1982, but has been unable to find a definitive date. SO 3776 0097. Both © Martin Richter (2012). The Baptist Church on Old Market Street, which is dated 1842. © Janet Gimber (2023). Link. Coflein. Grade II listed. The former Methodist Chapel on Maryport Street was built as Wesleyan in 1817, and has been converted into flats. SO 3773 0067. © Janet Gimber (2023). Coflein. St. David Lewis and Francis Xavier (R.C) on Porthycarne Street. Its Wikipedia entry dates it to 1847. Another view. Both © Janet Gimber (2023). Link. Coflein. Grade II listed. A 25" O.S. map of 1901 labels an area north of the right angle change of direction of Four Ash Street as Blackfriars. Unfortunately, neither it, or any other available maps show exactly where the Blackfriars monastic house was located. Genuki, quoting from a directory of 1868, says "There were other monastic houses in the town connected with the Black Friars and the Grey Friars; of the former some traces remain, and of the latter an old Norman gateway and part of a chapel.". Perhaps there was evidence for the council to name a road Blackfriars as having stood on, or close to the monastic site, or perhaps it's just in commemoration of it, hence this photo, © Janet Gimber (2023). Blackfriars Road is centred on SO 3797 0099, but the approximate centre of the area indicated as Blackfriars on the map is SO 3797 0094.

Usselby, Lincolnshire, St. Margaret. TF 094 936. © Dave Hitchborne. Another view. © Bill Henderson (2009). Link.

Utkinton, Cheshire, the former Primitive Methodist Church  at Quarrybank, undergoing conversion. It has a date-stone for 1860. SJ 5471 6540. © Bruce Read. Link.
Utterby, Lincolnshire,
St. Andrew. TF 3060 9325. © Dave Hitchborne. Another view, © Bill Henderson (2019). Two views of the interior - 1, 2, and the font, all © David Regan (2021). Link. Grade II* listed. The village also has three former Methodist Chapels, Free United, Primitive, and Wesleyan. The Free United stands on Chapel Lane at TF 3075 9363. It has a date-stone for 1854, and can be seen on a Streetview from 2010. The Wesleyan is on Grange Lane, at TF 3083 9351. It's dated to 1846 on Genuki, and was seen by Streetview in 2010. The Primitive Methodist Chapel is on Main Road, and pre-dates a map of 1888-9. It's dated here to 1858, where it also says it was closed circa 1887. It's still labelled as a P.M. Chapel on a map of 1891 however. By the time of the next available map, of 1906-7, it's labelled as Public Hall. It can be seen in a Streetview from 2015. Unfortunately I can't read the date-stone at the top of the gable.
Uttoxeter, Staffordshire.

Uxbridge, Greater London - see the London page.




13 June 2024

© Steve Bulman

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