The Churches of Britain and Ireland

Hastings, East Sussex

Hastings on Wikipedia.

All Saints, on All Saints Road. TQ 8282 0986. Previously in the Unknown section, this old photo belongs to Geoffrey Tucker. There were no clues whatsoever, but the church itself has some features worth noting - the angled buttresses to the squat tower, and what seems to be a turret on top of the tower, probably allowing access to the roof. Note also the doorway, with tall recess above, and the arched and square windows above that. Simon Davies identified it, noting that the photo shows it as it was before a restoration, so the modern view has some differences - see the following modern photos. Two views - 1, 2, and the interior, all © Chris Kippin (2021). Link. Grade II* listed.

Bethel Pentecostal Church, on St. George's Road, photographed in 1993. © Alan Taylor.

Sam Langley has sent in an old photo of the Central Methodist Church which was demolished ca. 1980.

Holy Trinity. TQ 814 092. © Graeme Harvey. An old postcard view. From a postcard in Kevin Gordon's Collection. Link1. Link2.

St. Clement. From an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view. © Graeme Harvey. Link. Grade II* listed.

St. Leonard (aka the Church in the Wood), at Hollington. TQ 7867 1138. From an old postcard (franked 1919) in Steve Bulman's Collection. Another old postcard view, this one from Reg Dosell's Collection, and another, from Paul E. Barnett's Collection. Three additional views - 1, 2, 3, and the lych-gate, all © Carole Sage (2016). Link1. Link2. Grade II listed. According to the Wikipedia entry, this was originally known as St. Rumbold.

The former St. Mary in the Castle. © Sarah Gould. Another view. Alan advises that for a time (from the early 1970's) it served as the Assemblies of God Pentecostal Church. It's now in use as an Arts Centre (link, with a useful history). © Alan K. Taylor (1980's). An old postcard view, from Paul E. Barnett's Collection. Grade II* listed.

St. Mary Star of the Sea (R.C) on High Street. TQ 8268 0987. © Graeme Harvey. Another view, © Chris Kippin (2021). Link.

St. Matthew at Silverhill. An old postcard from Judy Flynn's Collection this was previously in the Unknown section. The postcard offered no clues to its location, other than that it was published by The London View Co. It is fairy distinctive, with an unfinished (or demolished) porch/tower, and a small lead(?) spire. Identified by Janet Gimber and Simon Davies. Note that the location of this church can be confusing - for example, Wikipedia has it at Silverhill, Hastings (link), but the church website says it is at St. Leonards-on-Sea (link).

The former St. Nicholas - "Fishermen's Church" - now the Hastings Fishermen's Museum. TQ 827 095. © Dave Westrap. Link1. Link2.

Unitarian Christian Church (1868) on South Terrace. © This, and many other old engravings on this website, are reproduced from the downloadable books on the Unitarian Church Headquarters website here. The books are Pictures of Unitarian Churches by Emily Sharpe (1901) and the 1914 edition of Nonconformist Church Architecture by Ronald P. Jones M.A, (Oxon), and the images are reproduced by kind permission of James Barry of Unitarian Church Headquarters. My appreciation also to Mike Berrell for his efforts in this regard.

U.R.C. © Graeme Harvey. Grade II listed.

Wellington Square Baptist Church. © Graeme Harvey.




01 January 2025

© Steve Bulman

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